The Coastal Marine Institute (CMI) was initiated in July 1994 as a cooperative research and research training program involving the Minerals Management Service, the State of California and the University of California. The focus is on long-term environmental, social and economic consequences of oil and gas production activities in the Pacific Outer Continental Shelf region. This Annual Report summarizes activities and research progress during Program Year 11 (July 1, 2004 - June 30, 2005). Major programmatic progress achieved during Program Year 11 of the CMI: ¨ During 2004 – 2005, 30 regular and research faculty, 131 trainees (2 postdoctoral students, 27 graduate students, 67 undergraduate students, 1 high school student, and 29 staff) from 6 campuses and laboratories participated in CMI research projects; ¨ This Program year, CMI-sponsored studies published 37 peer-reviewed papers, 10 publications in press, 11 submitted publications, and 7 publications in preparation, with an additional 31 research presentations. In addition, three CMI-MMS final reports and one SCEI-MMS final report were completed. Five CMI draft final reports are currently in review.
PAST PROGRAM MANAGER REPORTS Major programmatic progress achieved during Years 1-10 of the CMI
Russell J. Schmitt
Marine Science Institute For more information contact: johnston@lifesci.ucsb.edu
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